Creative Events

The Selah Retreat is a 5-day creative retreat where we take a break from regular life, spend time crafting, meet new people, eat delicious food, and visit fantastic places! Most of my retreats are hosted in Leander, Texas at a private AirBNB called Shepherd's Retreat, however I have also hosted at the Whatever Craft House in Newton, Kansas, on Lake Gaston in North Carolina, and on the Oregon and Washington coasts.
Women from across the country (and even Canada!) travel to the retreat, and together we work on 4-5 creative projects taught by myself and my co-teachers. In between projects, we get to know one another and are delightfully spoiled with good food, coffee, wine, and snacks. Each guest registration includes a twin bed in a shared room (unless otherwise noted), all projects, most meals (lunch and dinner are on your own on our outing day) and a swag bag full of handmade goodies from makers across the country.
Some ask, "Is this a Christian retreat?" And the answer is yes and no. I am a Christian and I love Jesus. Many of my attendees are also Christians, and often times the conversations at retreat involve God. Sometimes our projects are even faith inspired. I open and close the retreat with prayer, however there are no group led devotions or Bible studies - I leave that up to you to enjoy on the back patio with a cup of coffee.
At the end of five days, you'll leave with a handful of fun and creative projects and some swag, but even more than that, you'll leave with a refreshed spirit and new friends that can last a lifetime.