Planning Your Garden

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Planning Your Garden

I don't know about you, but as soon as March hits, my mind shifts towards gardening. And if I'm honest, I may or may not have planted a small garden already in February, covering it with a hoop house. Has anything germinated and grown? We're not gonna talk about that mkay? Ahem.

Planning a garden can be as simple or fancy as you want it to be. I tend to keep things pretty basic - it's not my nature to be fancy. This year, I am reflecting on what I grew last year, what we ate a lot of, and what we didn't. We grew so much lettuce and spinach last year that I was giving it away in gallon ziplocks for weeks! This year, I want to try planting greens in succession so that I have a longer harvest into the fall. We aren't a big onion or tomato family, so I will also be modifying the amount of space I dedicate to those things.

But here are the things I know for sure I'm going to be growing:

Strawberries, garlic, potatoes, lettuce, spinach, green beans, sugar snap peas, carrots, pumpkins, rosemary, cilantro, oregano, basil, raspberries, and small amounts of tomatoes and onions. 

And how am I going to keep track of everything I'm growing? With garden markers from my shop!

I designed and made these garden markers last year, and they have been a hit with my gardening friends! They're made of acrylic, which allows them to be used year after year. All they need after a season in the dirt is a quick rinse and dry, and you can store them for next year's garden. 

To order, visit and tap on the "Laser This and That" section. Or copy and paste this link:

Happy gardening!

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