My Favorite Teacher Appreciation Gift!
It's that time of year again...the end of the school year is nearing, and we long for warm summer days, relaxation, and fun. Those teachers of yours are longing for it too! But before school is out for summer, it's time to appreciate your teachers for all of their hard work for the school year.
Want my personal opinion on teacher gifts? Teachers do not want things that hang on walls that look like apples or pencils with their names on them. I'm friends with plenty of teachers, and they have told me so! Here's what they DO want:
Things that they can USE. And things that are JUST FOR THEM.
Starbucks and amazon gift cards are super great, as is a bottle of wine (but I'm pretty sure having your kid take a bottle of wine to school would be a little questionable).
What if you gave your teachers a set of engraved pencils with their name on them? Or a set with "This is Mrs. Olson's Pencil"?
Think about this for a second. Teachers oftentimes are buying their own school supplies. And when a kid loses their pencil, who do they ask for another? THE TEACHER. And then what happens? The kid keeps OR loses the pencil and they ask again. Well, with personalized teacher pencils, the chances of getting that pencil back are WAAAAAAAAAAAAY higher.
Friends, I have spent the past three years perfecting the art of engraved pencils. Now, that may sound dramatic, but it's really true. I've engraved thousands of them, and the parents love them because they're an easy gift, and the teachers love them because they get them back. Teacher Appreciation week is May 6-10, 2024. Let me help you with your gifts!
Visit selahcreativecompany.com to order your pencils today.